Use filters to help you locate the data you need. The following example uses Funding Request filters, but these concepts apply to all filters available in E-rate Manager. Filters are available on most list tables and are accessed using the Add Filters+ dialog (located above the list table).
Clicking on the Add Filters+ button will display the filter options:
To create a filter, you simply select the Attribute, Condition and Value and click the Apply Filter button.
Attributes are simply the fields or data points that you want to use to set a filter against. These can be things like Funding Years or Form statuses but can also include other form specific fields.
Clicking on the Attribute drop-down will display the available fields:
Fields are organized into sections based on the format of the data you are filtering. In the example above, the sections are: Funding Request, Form 471, Form 470, Service Provider, Contract and Line Items.
Example: If we wanted to filter for funding requests by year, we would simply selected Form 471->Funding Year (since the year is specific to the 471 application).
Note: We’ve provided a reference of the sections and data points available for filtering, by form type, at the end of this document.
The next box is the Condition, which sets the comparison operation used to filter data.
These can be direct ‘equal to’ or ‘like’ comparisons to much more complex ‘between’ or ‘in’ searches. The options displayed in the drop-down will be tailored to the type of data the Attribute contains (i.e. number, dates, text…)
Some common or useful Conditions are:
· ‘equal to’ – This is an exact match comparison. The Attribute field data must ‘equal’ the provided Value
· ‘like’ – This is a ‘contains’ comparison. The provided Value is contained within the Attribute field data
· ‘between’ – This is a range. The Attribute field data is between the two provided Values
· ‘in’ – One of a set. This option allows you to specify one or more specific Values that are matched against the Attribute. For example: you could specify that the Applicant State is ‘in’ one of: “AR”, “LA”, “TX”
Use the value to set the condition the search must match. For some Conditions, there may be just one value entered, or for others, like ‘between’ there will be a minimum and maximum box available.
Equal To – enter the text value to search against
Between – enter the minimum and maximum values
In – Type discreet values to search, pressing Enter between each item
In – some Attributes have fixed values with can be selected from a drop-down list. Just click on each value that applies.
Apply Filter
Click the Apply Filter button to activate the new filter. The list table will be updated to display records that match your search conditions.
Note: You can add multiple filters to a list. Just click the Add Filters+ button again to set up the next one.
Each Filter will be displayed above the results table and you can use the Edit or Delete
buttons to change or remove a filter.
Please see our "How To" section for specific filter examples.